Well the house is slowly coming along. The holidays really put a hitch in our unpacking, but at least it's starting to get done. I spent ALL night unpacking the kitchen decorations & it's finally done. Thank goodness! It's such a relief to have my kitchen finally in order & let me tell you, it looks perfect. I hate that it literally took me 4hrs to do it though! I'm so OCD about things being in the exact right place that it makes stuff like that almost impossible. I usually just try to picture how it should look in my head & then I go from there. Good thing Ben was at work because he would've been going crazy about my indecisiveness. He usually just gets frustrated & tells me to do it myself or he hounds me to make up my mind. Poor guy has to deal with my crazy too much.
I just need to get the ball rolling on the other rooms in the house now. For the most part I know exactly what I want to do, but there is that little problem of not having the stuff (or money) to do it LoL. Luckily we have some things that we were able to get back when I was working. I know that our house will slowly get to what I picture, but it seems like it's moving at a snail's pace. My next goal is to at least finish painting the back hallway & our master bedroom! I've been putting it off because I despise taping things off.
On a completely different note, Barrett used his big boy potty today & I was so excited! I ran out into the living room to grab my camera to take a picture of his first pee pee in the toilet & Ben told me I was insane :) I KNOW I'm not the only mom in the world that takes a picture of her's kids first pee in the potty. I wonder what he's going to say when I take a picture of Barrett's first little poopie??
Well goodnight blog world! I am one exhausted mama... yawn!!
PS. Pictures of the house will follow one day when I get my act in order...