Make sure to read my previous blog posts first...
So I can't believe that Wesson is going to be nine months old in just a couple days. How did we even get here? I swear that it was just last week that we brought him home from the hospital. I hate how fast time flies by! He eats solid foods like a champ, crawls like a crazy man & pulls himself up and walks on everything and anything that he can. He's growing so big & so fast. This all made me realize that I have yet to post an update of our crazy life.
I have good news and bad news, personally I like bad news first, so that I hear something happy to cheer me up after. So here is goes... Bad news: We were never able to successfully able to breast feed & because of all our obstacles I lost a large part of my supply, so am unable to produce enough breast milk for my son. Good news: Wesson is beyond health & smart, also that he is happily on one hundred percent breast milk. I use medicine that basically forces your body to produce milk & I also use a small portion of donor milk. These two "not so common" things let me sleep easy at night. I know in my heart that I'm doing what's right for us & because of that I can rest easy.
I promised myself that there were three things I would do/not do when I had kids.
1.) Never EVER EVER let them out of mine or my husbands sight while in the hospital. This was a super easy one to follow & we successfully did this with both of our boys.
2.) Never EVER EVER let a strange watch or be unattended with our kiddos (kind of goes with the first one but on a different level). This meant that if I couldn't be a stay at home mom then we simply wouldn't have kids.
3.) Last but not least, do everything in my power to breastfeed or give one hundred percent breast milk until at least one year old. I never thought this one would be an issue or that it would be anything but easy. I have done and still do everything in my power to follow this rule of mine.
I know that my son is worth the struggle, the stress & the unknowing. I feel like I truly have the eye of the tiger, and will never give up. He's worth it & always will be. Why wouldn't I try my hardest for him? And when my hardest isn't good enough, try even harder? If everything were meant to be easy then life wouldn't be what it is. Our struggles have shaped our life and because of that I get mixed emotions of sadness and pure happiness. I pump and pump and pump every day, several times a day, a million times a month (or what seems like). Why you ask? Because I know in my heart it's the absolutely right & best thing to do for my son. Some days I swear I'm done & I totally want to give up, but then I look at that healthy happy little snuggly boy & know that he deserves the best. He keeps me strong & keeps me going, so that's why I keep at.
Our life isn't perfect, but it's our life. I love every second with my boys and I am proud to say that we have gotten to where we are today. I have been luckily enough to have some amazing people in my life to help us get to where we are. I rarely cry anymore and bottle feeding him in public has gotten way easier, yet I still struggle with it. I know that I will always think about our rough beginning, but right now all that matters is what I did about it. I am a determined strong person and because of that I can proudly say that both of my boys are healthy, happy, super smart, & have all the love in the world that they could possibly have.
Sorry for the picture overload, but I had to share :)